Important updates to tolls and administration fees - Effective September 2023

Important updates to tolls and administration fees - Effective September 2023

As of September 2023, active Karmo Plans will be slowly migrated to a simpler and more streamlined toll process. The purpose of the new automatic toll process is to reduce the costs of Toll Administration Fees being charged to Karmo drivers who do not have their Karmo Vehicle linked to their valid toll account or toll tag. 

How will I know if I have been moved to the new Toll Process? 

Every driver will be notified by SMS as they are moved to the new toll system. 

What do I need to do? 

It is important that you link your Karmo vehicle and subsequent Karmo vehicles as vehicle swaps occur to your toll account or toll tag immediately. 

What will happen if I do not have my Karmo vehicle linked to my toll account? 

For every toll that is incurred to Karmo’s toll account instead of your personal toll account, Karmo will nominate the toll charge along with an additional $5 Toll Administration Fee per invoice. 

When will I be charged? 

The new toll process will have your account charged daily. The charge will be applied to your nominated credit card linked to your Karmo Plan.